
We are proud of the service we offer but we realise that the best people to describe it are those who have experienced it first hand. Some of our clients have been kind enough to write a few words about their experience at Echelon Health.
Echelon Health - Testimonial picture of Darren Moore

Darren Moore, Manager, Sheffield Wednesday FC

It's essential to keep on top of our personal health and this is where Echelon Health provided me with an extensive heart and health screening.
portrait of Nick Finegold

Nick Finegold, CEO Curation Corp

The bottom line is that I was diagnosed with a cerebral fistula in my brain, a condition from which I was suffering no symptoms and would have been completely undetectable in a normal medical.
Dr David J. Wilson

Dr David Wilson, Past President, British Institute of Radiology

"Clients can be reassured that Echelon are providing not only an expert high quality package but are continually questioning and refining the process.
The service they are providing at present is, in my opinion, the best that can be achieved in current practice with existing knowledge."