

我们与领先医学影像服务提供商合作,以执行您选择的作为Echelon Health方案一部分的医学扫描。在我们的哈雷街中心,配备有世界上最先进的医学影像设备。由此,成就了Echelon Health以优化个人健康和福祉为重点,实现了提供全面和卓越健康评估的独特能力。

不同于许多其他诊所(即便医疗成像技术和最佳实践取得新的进展,但是仍然完全依赖于自己所购置的机器),我们则更加灵活地采用一切具有更佳疾病检测功能的本地扫描仪。因为我们发现,没有任何一台扫描仪能够检测出所有类型的疾病。例如,我们的合作伙伴ESC针对距我们哈雷街诊所仅几分钟路程的另一个中心进行了改造,并引进了一台特殊的高功率3T磁共振扫描仪,该扫描仪非常适合进行最复杂的高分辨率扫描。由此,我们现在也可以使用该设施来完善我们的服务,以便为客户提供最佳服务。在任何时候,我们一切工作的重心都是确保客户的最佳体验。如果因任何原因我们需要使用其他诊所的设施,我们将陪同您前往,并直至等待您完成检查,然后陪同您返回。如果天气需要,我们也会为您提供豪华轿车。我们将尽己所能,确保Echelon Health客户受益。

Aquilion ONE Prism 640 slice CT scanner

CT scanners are graded according to the number of slices of the body the rotating x-ray tube can image in one rotation. Many current diagnostic imaging units, both NHS and independent, use scanners with 16-64 slice capability. In contrast, the Aquilion ONE PRISM Edition images 640 slices with each rotation, enabling a faster and more detailed examination.

Specialist software unique to the PRISM provides the best image quality performed at low dose radiation. This allows it to scan a 16 cm volume with each rotation, covering entire organs such as the heart, brain or whole joints.

The Aquilion ONE PRISM Edition:

  • Is the most advanced CT scanner currently available, being able to image 640 slices of the body with each rotation of its tube compared to 16-64 slices from most other scanners
  • Has the lowest radiation exposure of any CT scanner (up to 10-fold lower than other conventional CT scanners)
  • Avoids any sense of claustrophobia as your body moves across the detectors
  • Is the only scanner able to image the heart in a single rotation which greatly increases accuracy
  • Is able to image the vulnerable ‘soft’ cholesterol-rich coronary artery plaque, which is the most likely to rupture and cause a heart attack
  • Is the only scanner able to image the heart in patients with an irregular heart rhythm
  • Is the only scanner capable of real time 4D imaging of moving joints
  • Has the unique ability to show real-time function of organs such as blood flow
  • is able to visualise lung nodules as small as 1-2mm
  • Has an increased spatial resolution of 0.3mm vs >0.5mm for 64 slice scanners, providing increased image quality


MrOpen upright and open MRI scanner

This is a truly unique MRI scanner featuring Nobel Prize winning superconductor technology derived from the CERN project. Due to their expense and technological differences, there are currently just a handful of these scanners installed worldwide.

The upright and open MRI scanner:

  • Features Nobel Prize winning superconductor technology derived from the CERN project
  • Is fully open, thus avoiding any sense of claustrophobia associated with conventional ‘closed bore’ MRI scanners
  • Is unique in allowing imaging of the spine and joints in an upright and weight-bearing position, which is usually that of maximum symptoms, thereby improving accuracy and clinical outcomes
  • Provides excellent imaging of the prostate gland
  • Avoids the use of liquid helium, making it quieter and safer
  • Has extra-wide spacing enabling the imaging of larger patients


EOS dual source upright CT scanner

The EOS dual source linear upright CT scanner is a revolutionary new scanner, utilising Nobel Prize winning ultra-sensitive detector technology, which promises to dramatically alter the way we image and diagnose spinal and posture related conditions. It is being called the 5th imaging modality alongside CT, MRI, Ultrasound and X-ray.

The EOS employs two x-ray tube detector pairs, scanning at 90o to each other that move from the top to the bottom of the standing patient to generate incredibly detailed 2D and 3D images of the whole skeleton.

These images allow accurate visualisation of the entire spine and major joints (hips, knees, ankles) which enables precise measurement and assessment.

The EOS dual source upright CT scanner:

  • Is a novel upright CT scanner, described as the 5th imaging modality after CT, MRI, Ultrasound and X-ray
  • Utilises Nobel Prize winning ultra-sensitive x-ray detector technology
  • Allows rapid imaging of the entire skeleton in a standing position at an extremely low radiation dose
  • Enables accurate assessment of skeletal issues, as well as postural analysis to determine pre-disposition to spine disc disease
  • Is proven to improve clinical outcomes


Siemens 3T MRI (Magnetom Skyra)

The 3T Siemens Magnetom Skyra’s powerful 3T magnet, delivers high-quality, clear images making it one of the highest quality MRI exams available today.

  • Its powerful magnet delivers optimal images for musculoskeletal, cardiac, neurology and prostate imaging.
  • With a 70cm open bore, the Magnetom Skyra allows for 30cm of space above your face, coupled with the shortest magnets in the industry enabling more exams to be performed with the head outside the bore.
  • Low power and cooling requirements contribute to industry leading energy efficiency – with 22% lower power consumption. This means reduces the environmental impact of utilising this scanner
  • The strong 3T magnet and state of the art technology allows for faster and more efficient exams and delivers excellent images to enable accurate diagnosis.